We are our own worst enemy. Whether we are afraid of something or too busy with achieving something, we actually hurt our future. Sometimes even the moments we are in. And the people around us.
”What is gratitude? And more so, why should you feel that on your self? What does the research have to say to us? Here are some examples of what I have picked up from researchers text. To your success!
Gratitude reduces your stress level. A study published by National Center for Biotechnology Information ””cultivating appreciation and other positive emotions showed lower levels of stress hormones [specifically] a 23% reduction in cortisol and 100 % increase in DHEA/DHEAS levels.”” There is something more to this, from the viewpoint of leadership! When you are not stressed to the negative level you are: A) more able to see different options, B) better in seeing how others feel and C) you get people to commit to your goals better as they feel safe.
Gratitude calms down your brain and makes you a more effective leader. Effective is not about doing more hours or squeezing more out of your people. It means getting things done in a smarter way. According to a study, grateful leaders ”motivated employees to become more productive [because] when employees feel valued, they have high job satisfaction, engage in productive relationships, are motivated to do their best and work towards achieving the company’s goals.
Why does this happen, really? When you are more pleased, more grateful, you upgrade your emotional well-being. Your well being improves your self-image. You are less likely to feel depressed when life hits you hard and you get more support from people. We are very sensitive to insecurity and fear. If people around you get the ”scent” of those, you will loose their support.
An there are some other positive features, that you get with gratitude. Like better sleep. When you get positive energy in to your mind, there is less space worries. And you sleep more. Which improves your leadership = you business results as people will be more engaged with your goals! Better sleep also means that your family will be more relaxed and happy.
One of the more surprising outcomes of gratitude is, that people who are thankful for their achievements tend to do more physical exercise. Better bodies are less sick and have fewer symptoms of physical illness. Again, there is less work ”to-be-done-yesterday”. You can focus on building future, not fixing past problems / to-do-lists etc. Your task, should you want to choose success, is to build future, not to try to fix yesterday.
You might ask yourself, but what if there is nothing to feel gratitude of? Just ask your brain ”what did go well today?”. No one has a day with full of success. We all have ups and downs. Just choose what ever your brain serves you. Let gratitude to boost your life. Day by day.
Want to take this process to a superpower level? Make a habit of writing this one reason for gratitude in your notebook every day. So simple, yet so powerful!
Sometimes our personality is what makes this difficult. If you belong the that half, who look at the world through risks, this change might be difficult. But, not impossible! We all can walk away from old habits, if we choose to. There is the hard way and there is the fast way. Emotional intelligence training is the fast way. Take the training and get the success you want and deserve!
Your partner in making success happen, Kari I. Mattila, emotional intelligence advisor