The following text is for those who want to succeed, specially during tough times. It works for you if you are a parent. Or if you are a spouse. Or if you a are leader. Well, it works if you deal with living creatures.
Our resilience and personalities are put under stress test over these times. We are asked to change our behavior and we are faced with having to look deeper in our core values. This happens in the world once in a while. And we see people who fail, but also people who show that they have TRICK. But what is TRICK and why is it so important?
T stands for trust. Trust is the base for all collaboration and more so during tough times. The big mistake surprisingly many people make with trust is, that the demand others to trust them. But it does not work that way. We can only get trust, when we give it. All parents have seen how, when they first showed trust, their children surprised them with their behavior. In work life and society, we must give trust in order to get people to give trust back. Part of trust is accountability. Accountability is not about making sure that those who make mistakes, get punished. That does not show nor build trust. Positive accountability builds trust and is implemented through having people to look create the measures by them selves.
R stands for respect. Trust and respect walk hand in hand. Respecting other people is about accepting that they may look at the world from a different viewpoint. When we respect other people’s thinking, we can collaborate even there is a difference of opinion. Respect is about being equally valuable, even having different positions and tasks and paychecks. Without trust you cannot respect, without respect your trust is not empowering nor giving positive energy. Respect is not what you say (even you need to say it), but how you treat others.
I stands for Independence. As leaders or parents, when we let people be independent in a trusting and respecting way, we get it back in positive way. Independence is not the same as neglecting. Neglecting does not create Independence, as neglecting does not include trust or respect. Positive independence in business means that people are given the goal and latitude to work their way to the goal in the best possible way. In families it means, that you share a goal and give space to choose the best possible way to do get there.
C stands for collaboration. There are several reasons for collaboration. The last one of those reasons is the increase in muscle power. Collaboration has it’s biggest power on the mental side. When we feel that we are part of a team, we are more engaged and committed. We feel better, we get more done (in business, collaboration is part of creating an inspiring atmosphere, which doubles productivity) and we help others when they need it. The second power of collaboration is learning. We gain wider understanding, reach higher results and do all that faster when we collaborate.
K stands for kindness. Compassion is the other name for kindness. Now matter how badly we have been treated, we don’t feel any better from putting that on others. When we take ourselves to the mode of kindness, we get it back in multiple ways. People will help us. But the real value is, that as people will be kind to us in return, we will feel more appreciated and valuable. Which makes it possible for us to show trust and respect.
Trust + Respect + Independence + Collaboration + Kindness, the recipe for wellbeing and success, no matter where you are. We all can do those, should we choose to. Not in the same way (let us respect individual differences), but in some way. The way to become better in these is through learning about emotional intelligence. What we have, how (and why) we use our personality? Then just trust yourself, that today you are a little better than yesterday. And tomorrow you will be a little better than today. Do the TRICK, feel better and succeed more.
If you want to learn personally how to reach more and succeed better, contact me right away at