Self-esteem is the core in building strong and successful relationships. If one doesn’t appreciate oneself, why should others? People who have not identified and accepted who and what they are, have a disadvantage. Before going to that disavantage and how to overcome that, we need to look at what good self-esteem is and is not. One way to look at it is through the 6 leadership styles by Daniel Goleman & al. Those are A) affiliate, B) democratic, C) coaching, D) visionary, E) pace setting and F) commanding. From those 6 two are possible only if one has good self-esteem. One of those two has proven to deliver the best long term results! Commanding style can as well be used by people with low self-esteem as by people with high self-esteem. After all, it is just about a race, who shows up as the leading alfa. Likewise is the case with pace setting. The (hidden) driver for these two can be oversized self-esteem, or poor self-esteem. )( Visionary people can have any level of self-esteem. They live through and from their vision. Their survival and success is though totally depending on their self-esteem. To reach a vision means going through difficult times, and there self-esteem makes the difference. Affiliate leaders are perhaps lower on self-esteem than others. They don’t like to demand or challenge people. Then we have the democratic and coaching style leaders. On both approaches one needs to accept other peoples ideas, take a stand knowing that some people disagree and yet convince everyone to commit. Good self-esteem can be described with the following statements )( A) I understand and accept that people are different )( B) I am willing to listen to others, their ideas and thoughts )( C) I am not changing my approach or my path just to please others or to avoid conflict )( D) I am not a copy of someone else, I am unique and valuable regardless of others opinion.
We have different history, some have got more support to build self-esteem than others. Self-esteem is not something in our genes. It is the outcome of our encounters with other people. And that is the good news, we can build self-esteem regardless of our past. It is not, what has happened to us, but what we make out of it. How we look at the experiences, how we convert that to growth mindset. No, I am not saying, that you can convert from low self-esteem to high over night. But I am saying, that we all can improve our self-esteem with time. Those with high self-esteem (which is different than being arrogant) have all built it over time. It is a matter of seeing oneself differently. Let me give you an example. I was listening to the radio while driving. There was an interview of a guy with severe vision impairment. In medical terms he was diagnosed blind. For him, by his choice, it was a great opportunity. He was in the middle between fully blind and fully seeing people. For him that meant, that he had a place where he could support both groups with better understanding of the other. He saw himself as valuable asset, regardless of the impairment the majority saw in him.
Working on self-esteem starts with looking at the fears we have. Where are they coming from? Why some other people with the same situation are not afraid of that? What is the other side of this fear, what kind of extra understanding and knowledge that does bring to us? Just remember, no-one is perfect in all ways, but we are perfect as unique individuals. And that is something, no-one can steal from us, no-one can copy. Review yourself for just 5 – 10 minuts a day. Look at one thing and write (with pen and paper) down the thing that hs built your fear AND the special lesson you have gained from that. Do it daily. You will see, that you have an amazing set of unique elements, that make you good in your way!
I was once the little boy, who was in need of acceptance from other people. I was the ”stranger” in my school. I was looking for appreciation and acceptance and value from others. Then, one day, I faced something that started my transformation. I wasn’t ready the next day. Nor the next week. I actually over did my transformation. And I am still learning. The biggest steps took me about a year, to go from the one begging for attention to the one who understood that I am not me because of others, but because of my own thinking and actions. I could do that, so can you. I’ve seen that happen with my customers so many times (those I’ve worked with in improving understanding of their emotional intelligence).
There is only one thing preventing your path to better wellbeing (that is one of the outcomes of good self-esteem). Putting it of till tomorrow. There is no need for that, because you can start your process in privacy. Just you, the pen and the paper. You don’t ever need to tell anyone, that ”I am going to have better self-esteem”. Because it is for you, for you to build the kind of success you want. |
When I talk about success, don’t get me wrong. Success is not about being on top of the hill, high executive of politician. There are people there, who are not happy, who don’t feel that they are successful. Success is about truly being happy on what ever you do. That is one beauty of good self-esteem. You can do the things you value, not trying to reach the things others value.
Yes, this series of articles is about ”secrets of successful people”. Self-esteem gives you the balance which makes you succeed. And helps you to feel good, what ever position is you have in our society. If you are looking to be on high levels, self-esteem is the one that takes you there. Sure, you can see bullies up there, but with good self-esteem you will find the organisation and path to where you want to be. |
Accepting, that we are not perfect in the way, others are, is one of the keys to good self-esteem. Understanding and accepting that we are vulnerable, that we too are humans, allows us to learn. Learning is resilience. Learning about ourselves and leading our own thinking and attitude, that’s all it takes.
Perfection is the biggest prison we can build for ourselves. I learnt that the hard way. I hope this helps you to have a more satisfying future! There are no shortcuts, but there are paths to avoid and paths that take you to your goal faster! If you would like to have some more tools, just get in touch. |