There are limits no how many people we can be connected to. For most people the true inner circle is 5 – 10 people. The next level can be between 10 – 20. And then the connection get weaker and weaker. What kind of people you are letting in to that inner circle? One thing that has been identified from the successful people, is their choices of people. Like Jack Welch (and in a bit different way Steve Jobs) has said ”always find people who are better than you”. When your team, your spouse even, support you in positive ways, you get further. This, by the way, was behind the ”history’s worst Finnish ice hockey team”, that won world championship. They worked to get the best out of their peers. No, I am not saying, that you need to say good bye to all the people, who are not supporting you. But you must understand, that if you have negative people around you, they are focusing on why something is not working, why things are so badly. Never getting to looking for options and solution.
Why do we listen to negative people, why do we allow them to be in our ”space”? The answer, again, comes from our brain. In the past it was better to be prepared for risks, see one non-existing risk. The other option, not seeing them easily ended up becoming a meal ticket for something. And then there are also cultural ways, saying no, I don’t want to follow you on the misery lane, is often considered to be rude. Even, there is growing amount of evidence saying, that people on negative spin need someone to divert their path. And that never happens, if you follow their path. If your friend has a lethal habit, would you follow him/her there? Negativity kills!
It kills us too early. And it kills our inattentiveness and efficiency. Successful people are good in some things. One of those things, perhaps the most important one, is that they work and live with people, who get them to rise to the next level! You are great in your own way, you just need to nurture it with right kind of people. For some ofus (I know, I am one of those) seeing someone suffering is a sign ”get there to help him/her”. I have learned (the hard way), that the best help is not comforting that person. The best help you can give yourself is not to maintain the present status quo. You need to look around and ask yourself ”what kind of inspiration have I got from this person over the last 2 months?”. If the answer is no, you need to reposition that person in your network.
You don’t need to say anything (well, in most cases anyway) to that person. Just limit your time with that person. Spend the most of your time with inspiring (inspiring is not the same as comforting) people. And as you go there, you will find yourself getting more done, reaching better results and being less tired and stressed! Yes, stress is also an outcome of people around us. If we spend our days with people who talk how stressful their life is, we will end up feeling the same way. Walk away from that. It is your well being, your success, your family’s well being we are talking about.
There is nothing more true than ”life is 10% of what happens and 90% of how we react to it”. Reaction are spreading, be that smile or panic. Take the lead and collect support from successful people. Have you ever thought, why people on vacation are so different? They are the same people, they just choose to see the world differently for a moment!
Start with looking at the people you spend most of your time with. Which of them is the most negative one? Make (and deliver) a plan to reduce time with him/her. Follow how your mood changes. Be patient, it doesn’t happen over night. Work with that for 3 weeks (not so much, right?), then reflect. And then carry on! It is your future you are working for. Your well being. And eventually your success!
If you feel, that yes, but cannot. Sometimes we don’t even know, what are the true strengths we have. There a specialist (coach, personality test facilitator) can be the key. Taking an emotional intelligence test and going through the results with certified specialist has helped millions of people. If you would like to have some support, get to higher level faster, send me an email! |