Leaders have, in big picture, higher interest in being the decision maker. Likewise they often have higher stress resilience. These personality features that have taken them to the leader position, can turn out to be addiction. As they have been the way to take one a step ahead the others, they can have converted from a tool to a driver, an addiction. But why the same things, that took one up, is now a problem? Organizational success is coming from the collaborative efforts of the entire team. Leaders need to ensure that their organization function. High decisiveness can lead to the point, where people lean on the leader on every decision. It might feel great, being the one who can solve everything. The one who knows everything. But there are several ways, how this backfires on the productivity. People stop to wait for your decision. They don’t learn to solve problems. They are not committed to the work, as they are just ”dummies” executing what you say. At the end you are so busy with daily nitty gritty details, that you don’t have time to do leaders most important thing. Build the future.
You know, how energized you feel when there is enough things on your ”plate”. You feel how your mental engine enjoys the boost stress gives you. It is natural, actually we all have an increase in productivity, when there is a proper stress present. Stress has 4 major phases for all of us. 1. procrastination, not enough that we would really start to act. 2. productivity, the right amount that gets us inspired and delivering, 3. peak, where we still manage to operate on automation, but we are not recovering and our ability to build new solutions and innovations is pretty limited and 4. collapse, where we’ve either been too long on phase 3 or our load exceed our maximum capacity. Where is the problem? We are different. Let me give you an example, if the best of the best has the ability to carry on a load of 1000 units. This roughly means that this person is on operational level from 500 – 900. The problem is, that the average person has a maximum of 500. His operational level is at about 250 – 450. So, before the leader gets really going, the average person is already at the ”peak” and this means that he/she is very close to edge of collapsing. Your skills got you through the competition, but to lead others, you need to use your skills so, that they are productive. Not what feels great to you.
Mitigating ones personal features is not easy. The key to that is in learning how ones personality is truly structured. When you learn, what are the driving forces and how strong they are in comparison with people, you can start to reflect. Understand –> reflect –> practice –> learn –>master. That is the path we hear from every successful leaders story. It will take time, but already 3 weeks will start to build new ways of behaving.
There are multiple assessments, which can help people. Just make sure, that the assessment you are taking has a strong scientific research behind it and it is really meant to measure what you need. Leadership is presented in multiple assessments. But most of those assessments are actually build to look at the personality in general. And as you know, there are different drivers and behaviors present when you are with your parents, children, spouse, friends and work. The best tool to learn about your drivers at work, that I have found (I’ve done research and tryouts on over 20 world leading tools) is ”Emotions and Behaviors at Work”, the EBW-system.
You don’t become different over night. But with just 5 minutes a day, will deliver results within the near future. It is the little reflections you do daily, that take you ahead of others.
Lonely rider? That is the challenge of many leaders. They fee they cannot talk about these things with their employees. If they are at the top, there is no peer to share and learn with. If they are on their way to the top, they often are reluctant to talk with peers, as they feel that they might give advantage to the other. So we end up being kind of alone, not having someone to talk to. A lonely rider, solving everything alone. Researchers have shown, that one mind seldom is so good in solving problems, as multiple minds. We need an external input, to widen our perspective and thinking. You remember how an apple falling on head caused the creation of some of physics basic laws.
What can you do? Do like the best do, have a coach or a mentor. Someone who is good in asking you questions. Yes, questions. Because your development is not about telling you what to do, but about helping you to develop your own way. A road and structure that cannot be copied. The key to life of the exceptional people. People who live a fulfilling life reaching their goals.
The steps are simple, even the path requires expanding your comfort zone. 1. think what your dream life (as a leader) would be like 2. List down things that you see as barriers to that goal (dare to ask yourself, why is this a barrier) 3. take a personality assessment AND have feedback from a certified specialist 4. get a reflection partner, coach or mentor, to help you to proceed 5. commit yourself to 5 minutes a day to stop for personal reflection moments.
I hear people often saying, that they don’t have time. That is the easy excuse. We know, that about 20% of our actions deliver 80 % of the results. So, what are the things that steal your time, but are not giving results? What if you would get rid of one of those? |