I just read a research paper from Kanwa & al (2017) on the role of emotion in banking industry. Fascinating read, where they covered emotional and cultural intelligence. What takes this research apart of many, is that there is also multicultural aspect in the population researched. In modern world, where people are more and more moving after work and for better life conditions, this has very high value! The research looked aside of emotional and cultural intelligence, also at transformational leadership and eventually at leadership effectiveness. We all have heard about the billions lost as the outcome of failures in leadership. Bad leadership can get one to do the things right, but to do the wrong things. And that will destroy the organization as well as the leaders of it.
The researchers found strong correlation between the leaders emotional and cultural intelligence and eventually leadership effectiveness. And this in the business environment, which you would think as number driven! Results and impact is there. And they are available to everyone. Yes, everyone. I the next I will tell you more about what and how. The why is in the fact that about 75 % of leaders failures are due to failing in use of emotional intelligence.
There is strong hype about emotional intelligence. Where ever you go on internet, what ever you read, you are facing the discussion (or simple tests) about emotional intelligence. This research took the subject to a bit deeper level. The outcome shows, that high emotional intelligence IS NOT ENOUGH. There is something, that is more important than emotional or cultural intelligence. Those two, as such, do not have significant impact on leaders effectiveness. What really matters is the leadership style. What you have is less important than your ability to understand and use what you have. This research showed, that transformational leadership is what gives results. You can be high on intelligence, yet fail in applying it to daily life!
When we look at transformational leadership, there are some quite surprising things to see. The definition of transformational leadership tells that ”Transformational leadership serves to enhance the motivation, morale, and job performance of followers through a variety of mechanisms; these include connecting the follower’s sense of identity and self to a project and to the collective identity of the organization; being a role model for followers in order to inspire them and to raise their interest in the project; challenging followers to take greater ownership for their work, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of followers, allowing the leader to align followers with tasks that enhance their performance.” When we look at the 6 main leadership styles (by Goleman & al), we see that those outcomes can be achieved with several styles!
To get the results, one needs to understand what is the personal structure of emotional intelligence. What are the strengths, risks and challenging features in ones personality. Then, and this is the key to success, one must understand what are the differences between people. Knowing why one acts like he/she does is the starting point of leading oneself. To create transformation we need to lead ourselves, our thougths and emotions which become visible in our behaviors and actions. Those also lead our cultural intelligence, how we can deal with different approaches and understanding of meanings. I have so experienced this, when I was in India as a young man. Coming from Finnish culture, saying ”we will do it right away” means in minutes. In India the same words meant something totally different. Accepting, adapting and leading my emotion out from anger to goal setting was the way out, even it was very far from easy.
We have pretty rigid emotional intelligence structure. The good news is, that every structure can be used successfully. They are just used in different ways, and all need that we are leading our emotions, we take time to learn to understand how others emotions are built in each situation. Let me give you an example, a leader often has pretty high decisiveness, want and need to make decisions. When we use that, we get decisions. Good, right? Well not, because actions and commitment are needed to deliver results. This kind of leader needs to learn to balance his/her need to be the decision maker with people’s need to feel being part of the decision, feeling importance. Those deliver the results, create the transformation that builds success. For the organization and the leader. This kind of leader needs to understand, what other element of his/her personality to use in order to control decisiveness.
The outcome of this research, from banking industry, showed that whereas emotional intelligence had impact at the level (β) 0.13 and cultural intelligence 0.12, transformational leadership had 0.72. For you to succeed, you need to A) know yourself, B) lead yourself, C) understand your impact on others and D) get things done through others. That is the simple recipe of success!
It is not what you have, but what you do with it! If you would like to know more, please get in touch. If you want to take the fast lane to success, we have the tools for you. To your smart phone, at your convenience! |