We are social creatures. That has taken the mankind to the present situation. That does include a derailment on individual level. We easily tend to go after the external positive feedback. Which eventually derails us from our own goals, from the best possible paths for us. There is also another negative side. We easily start to compare our achievements to those of others. Without knowing their resources, their goals or their sacrifices. We might actually end up in the mood of ”never-great”. That is what the best get out of. They celebrate their achievements based on their own goals and actions.
Every time you celebrate an achievement, you build your future success. Acknowledging that your process and goal were great, will build your ability to excel in the future. Winnig teams get wins, losing teams easily go downwards. There is clear difference between getting feedback and depending on it. Feedback is to help you learn for the future. Not for blaming you for something that is already history. When you convert your thinking from failing in something to learning in multiple ways, you boost your performance.
Building inner motivation is the only way to create space and will for learning. Learning is faster and more effective when there is joy. So stop the people who come to you to tell how bad you are. Listen to those who help you learn. Be your own elevation feeling creator. We want to, and at least subconsciously do, compare ourselves with others. That is the standard operating procedure of social animal. When you free yourself from that, you can focus on the right thing. How did you do when compared to your goals and plans? Because that is the right measurement.
It is not so difficult to change the viewpoint. It will take some time, weeks, but all you need to do is to write down, on a piece of paper, your goals. Put it in front of you, so that you can always refer to them. Measurable goals with dates are your source of elevation. When you fall in to the trap of comparing your achievements with others, go back to your paper. That is what matters, not the other persons opinion of your achievements.
Leading oneself to get elevation from personal achievements and goals requires leading ones emotions, fears more specifically. When we compare ourselves to others, the emotions can include fear of falling short in comparison. We can also be afraid of not being respected. A fear which is natural, yet has nothing to do with our personal goals! Emotional intelligence and resilience are the tools, which carry us onward. Daring to ask ourselves ”why am I depending on the other persons comments” is a great start. Just don’t settle for the first easy answer! Would you like to get some help, to get on the fast lane of this? Get in touch, lets talk about how to get you to be your personal source of elevation = success! |
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