Are you aware of what you must have within the next few years? What actually defines whether you succeed of perish?
The most important competencies are Cognitive abilities, Systems skills and Complex problem solving skills. What we know, through science, is that being successful in all these areas is depending on following elements. 1. Ones ability to make decisions on new approaches and ideas 2. Ones ability to get thoughts and ideas presented to others 3. Ones ability to adapt to new situations and ideas. There are other elements, specially when we think about what leads us to fail. Those might mitigate our abilities to use the core elements to the point, where we end up in failure.
That is though not enough! There are 3 skills that are booming in demand! The first one Complex problem solving skills. The second one is Social skills. And the third one is Process skills. The need for Complex problem skills is growing very fast. When you think about the speed how fast AI and general computing are taking over the basic tasks, you understand where the future is. As we are to work outside of the area of computers, the demand for Social skills is naturally growing. Our ability to solve problems and to find new ideas is multiplied when we collaborate with people. You sure have been working with people, who talk but lose the sight of the goal. Hence the Process skills also becomes more and more important. There is a high probability, that the new core process is the process of constructive evaluation and target oriented thinking.
When you look at the most important and the most growing skills, there is one thing that connects them all. There is increasing need to truly understand and lead our own behavior. Leading our behavior consciously is about leading our emotions. We need to get control of our primary emotional response (Amygdala). And to be able to choose the secondary emotion which leads to actions. Failing in that means failing in building success. And what is even worse, the ”bad” habits become more and more powerful as they are repeated.
22 days, that much it takes to build new synapses, the core of new habits, in your brain. The more often you repeat the new habit, the stronger the connection becomes. Here the number of repetitions is the key factor. It is better to be working on something multiple times for 5 minutes than focusing on something for one full day! Sure you have been on full day, or two day, trainings. Coming out full of ideas and energy. And finding out a year later, that very little really changed! You can now get out of that, with less work!
The world around us is changing in a speed, it never has. Even electricity or steam engine did not produce such profound changes. Our brain needs support in dealing with the new phenomena! You can, if you choose to, help and lead your brain to support your well being and success.
The answer is in emotional intelligence skills. I am not a big fan of ”you need to be more emotionally intelligent / have more empathy / be more decisive”. Because we are, and we need to be, different. The best solution is to learn what you truly have (of those thousands of people I have worked with, no one has 100% accurate picture of him/herself). And the learn to use that in the best possible way!
Learning to use ones personality in the righ way, being authentic, is the road to success. You accomplish more, you are less stressed and people commit to your goals! When you start now, you will have results in two months. With less than 10 minutes a day! Get the best training for you at
Want to learn more about the needs?
Success your way is on its way, if you take the action needed. Learn how to make the most of your emotional intelligence!
Your partner in making success happen, Kari I. Mattila, emotional intelligence advisor |