Am I asking you to drink beer? Nope, but this text will help you to understand life, leadership and changes better. And to know, why we all need those ”beery” moments.
The teacher gathered students together. There was a big, 10 liters, glass jar front of the teacher. Teacher asked a student to assist. Then the teacher lifted a bag full of tennis balls on the table and asked to student to fill the jar with them. Job done, the jar is full, right? It is, so said the assisting student and the class. In the heat of the moment this is what 90% of people say! We see, we assume and we make judgement calls based on those. As a leader, this is the utmost biggest risk you are facing! Seeing what we want to see. Teacher puts on the table another box, full of glass marble. The assistant was asked to pour as many of them in the jar as possible. Shake and shake, the marble filled the empty areas. Now full, right? About 95 % of people will settle for this. And lose the sight of the open spaces, known in businesses as hidden opportunities. Which are the roads for you competitors to build extra value = steal your business.
Whereas the class had been laughing after the marble was brought to the table, now many of hem started to think, why they had failed to see the open spots. The assistant was about to walk away, as the teacher brought up another box. Assistant opened the box, and there was very fine sand in it. Yes, you are right, it was poured over the tennis balls and the marble. Students saw how it went everywhere in the jar. Most of the tennis balls and marble actually disappeared within the sand. The students were sitting silent, you could see the questions, even worries, on their faces. The teacer said ”it looks pretty full, right?”. No one dared to confirm that, nor to deny. The teacher now explained to the students the metaphor of the practice. The tennis balls are the big things in our life. We easily ignore the rest, as it is so much easier to see and think the few bigger things. We need to know our important big things.
Ignoring the space taken over by the marble, means that we lose some sight. Those marbles are things, which are important in building connection. They are things, which are important to other people, people whose actions are crucial for our big goals to become real. Successful people are clear about their goals, tennis balls, but they constantly look for the marble. Opportunities are arising from those. Looking for the marble is not easy, as we need to stop and take a little distance from our busy daily life. You may have heard about the helicopter view.
You are getting far, when you remember to look after the tennis balls and the marble. There is though one thing, that can put you down, the sand. Sand is your life’s little everyday things, that boring and repetitive routine. Even it, as one grain of sand, feels like nothing, it can create a blister on your feet. And there a many of them. If you are not taking care of them, you will see how the worries and problems of life will take over. They will actually get you to lose sight of the bigger things. You will be so busy worrying about the little, not-taken-care-of, details of life, that you don’t have time to get forward with the big things. And you miss most of the marble too!
But as the teacher was talking, he took a couple of beer cans (0% alcohol) on the table. Most students didn’t even see the alcohol percentage, so there was an ”ooh..” in the air. The teacher opened the cans, poured the other in the jar. And said ”the one thing I’d like you to remember from today is that no matter what we think, there is always room and space fro surprising events!”. Now one student raised her hand and asked ”what about the other beer?”. ”Great question”, said the teacher. And he took a zip of the jar. ”How full your jar ever is, make sure that you see allow yourself to have the time and friends to relax. Relaxation is the other foot walking you to your success”, said the teacher.
My question to you is very simple! Do you dare to stop to see the open spaces in your jar and think what is hiding there? When you do challenge your own thinking, you are getting much faster much further and with less effort. As you know what and when to do, instead of just being busy and tied up in daily hassle.
The most successful people are not the most brilliant. They are the ones who ask themselves ”is this really the truth and important to do right now?”. Doing that is a skill, learnable to all of us. Results we get, when we understand our personal strengths and use those to our benefit.
To learn more, drop me a line, I’m happy to share with you some simple information, that will help you to take a step ahead, to make your life truly yours!
Your partner in making change happen, Kari I. Mattila, emotional intelligence advisor |
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