Busy days, constant change and different demands on every day life create a load to our brains. This leads to the point (as scientists say), that we actually operate on automated response up to 98 % of our time. We repeat the old decisions, as that is so much more faster and energy efficient (so our brain ”thinks”). Lets not fight that, but put it to work. Jack Welch built GE for 20 years. Value increase was 4 000% in stock market. How to get out of that rat race, this is something worth going after.
World is full of success stories. Small and gigantic. Of those, where leading people is incremental part of, we can find one common element. That element is so strong, that it produces better results for a longer period of time, than anything else. That element is authenticity. The one thing, that connects long lasting success is shared culture. What happens when there is a disruption in culture? Jack Welch worked on the culture. Stock value mid year 2000 was about 54 $. Change of leader, with different thoughts on culture and yet trying to fulfill Jacks boots… Value low in 2011 at 15,1 $ and even today at 27,8 $. To be able to build and nurture the culture, one needs to be 100% transparent in authenticity. Like Nelson Mandela has said ”it is impossible, until someone does it”.
Being authentic is not an easy game. We put expectations on our selves. This is natural (as our brain is aiming at to fit in the herd). We try to copy other people (yes you are, even you think you wouldn’t). We try to think what other people (employees, stockholders, future employer etc) expect from us and act accordingly. Then there comes a new ”ism” and we adapt that.
Back to square one. Who and what YOU really are? What are you alike, when compared to other people? We see right away, if some one is taller than we are. It’s much harder to see what our personality is in comparison. We adapt, and other do it too, to the environment, people around us. Luckily, there are tools, that help us to look deeper inside. To see what we really are alike. Knowing that helps us to lead our BEHAVIOR with authenticity. You shouldn’t try to change who You are! But You must look for ways of behaving, that give the best results. Being authentic is not about changing Your personality. It’s about using your personality for the best. That’s what brings success!
One of the things that put successful people apart from others, is authenticity. When one is truly authentic, there is much more energy available. That gives us resources that otherwise would be consumed in keeping up a role, facade. There is a brain science element, which makes being authentic so important. We all have facial micro expressions, which are no volitional. Playing a role, which is not us, those expressions warn others, that there is some disruption in the info flow. Be aware, prepare for surprises. And that consumes energy, reduces commitment. Other way round, when all our messaging is going the same information, people give us their trust, their commitment and hence success.
Authenticity is the most powerful tool of a leader. Therefore You must master it. As human beings, we do change over time, little by little (just go back to You teenage time, any change ever since in Your behavior?). Every organization which has thought that no change is needed, has perished. Change is like a dance partner. Keeps us flexible and helps us to learn new dances. If we decide to stay at the wall, we may end up seeing, that the band and other dancers have left. Being authentic is also getting feedback, how others see us.
4 000 % increase in stock value, Jack Welch at GE. Doubling sales in recession, Matti Alahuhta Kone, after 20 year quadrupling sales in for years, Jari Arffman Arffman Consulting. There is some common elements on all these. One of them being authentic, accepting who and what these people are and then getting supporting resources. One is that they never leaned back saying, now it is ready. Take that in to Your daily way of working, and you see magical things happening. |
Finnish handicap, authenticity? You often hear, that Finns are quiet or that when You make a friend of a Finn, that’s for life. Did you know, that taking population in consideration, we are the worlds leading peace keeper. We deliver results. This handicap is something that makes us trustworthy. Authenticity is not about talk or silence, it’s about saying things that have value.
Our ”handicap” is a strength that works. Take it to Yours. Use it, startign today. Find how you really function, how your emotions run you at work. #EBW (Emotions and Behaviors at work, www.ebwonline.com )is one great tool, for getting to know Your self and for starting a development discussion. Need help? Send me a message. Lets have a look, what we can do to get where You really want to be! |