Emotions make your success, but more often they are blocking growth and success. Our brain is built to protect us. Hence risks and negative situations get more attention and energy than positive things.
Without emotions we are and have nothing! Remember, you should never feel guilty about your emotions. As human beings we all have a variety of life experiences. Our brain creates a variety of reactions to the things that happen in our lives. Sometimes feelings are negative, dirty and not so easy to deal with. To avoid problems we need to deal with these destructive emotions in a healthy way and move past them quickly. For many this is not easy to do, and surprisingly many fail in this when emotions run on very high. Our brain loves simplicity, so it does like to use one solution in multiple situations. That can make you to use one particular form of negative emotion over and over again in a variety of situations. You might also find a single event blocking you from moving on. You might return to particular emotions over and over again. Any of these situations can be devastating for your career, your emotional growth and even your relationships with others. Here are 5 negative emotions you should learn to take under control.
1. Hopelessness Hopelessness is a dangerous state and can one of a few destructive emotions. It is literally you feeling as if nothing has a chance of getting better no matter what. When you feel helpless, you feel powerless to change or improve your situation. Feeling continually hopeless can be a sign of depression or unresolved trauma. It may also indicate that you lack belief in yourself. If you find that hopelessness is a common or ongoing theme in your life you may wish to consider talking to a professional.”
2. Jealousy, that marriage killing beast can hurt you in many other ways too. Practically everybody feels the occasionally jealousy. Perhaps it’s somebody obtaining an item you wanted, or reaching a shared goal before you did. It is normal to want something that another person has and with proper perspective you motivate yourself with jealousy. If jealousy evolves into bitterness, or you realise you are never satisfied with what you have, there can be a problem. To convert your thinking, start to look for the positive things you have, notice the moments and things you feel good about. Also learn to remind yourself, that what you always have something more than most people!
3. Guilt, the tool used for managing, also for managing ourselves. When we have done something wrong and have not done anything to fix it, guilt is an appropriate reaction. But if you’ve done nothing wrong, or you have done everything in your power, guilt are unhealthy and unnecessary feeling. If you have feelings of guilt, ask yourself are you unduly feeling responsible for other people. Or if you feel you don’t deserve happiness. As you learn where your guilt is coming from then you can start to work on it.
4. Fear is a very strong emotion. It can cause one to become paralyzed. When one are paralyzed, progress and seeing options will be impossible. Fear can arise from danger, but most danger we face don’t deserve fear. If the only danger is growth and change, it is time to focus on finding perseverance and resilience skills. These skills will help you get past the fears holding you back. You can use meditation and visualization as a tool to undestand, cope with, and overcome your fears. You can do very simple processing to put the fear in right perspective. Simply thinking through whatever it is that awakens your fears may just be enough to help you to get past them.
5. Hatred is such a destructive emotion which distracts our actions and depleedrains our energy resources. Hatred causes us to become emotionally invested in a person that we feel has done wrong to us. Hatred is actually a permission to the other person to continue to infiltrate your mind and impact your daily life. Such a terrible way to live. When you free your mind of hatred, you in fact are taking away their power to hurt your days. Hatred can be very difficult to let go, when the other person has severely hurt you. Then you might want to consult some professional in order to truly move forward.
Blocker emotions have a wide variety in strenght. Most people have some, but for many blocker emotions are not destructively bad. Never the less, any potentially destructive emotion can have the possibility damaging your life. The price of not finding some way to let them go or work through blocker emotions is risk of becoming emotionally stunted, difficult to get along with and bitter. Depending on your emotional intelligence structure and the kind of coach or other professional you get to support you, there are ways to move forward.
Becoming free of blocker emotions is the biggest gift you can give yourself, your career and your family. Blocker emotions are not your fault, they have their roots in the dark moments of history. You don’t have to live in the prison, they have created to you. Start your journey to better tomorrow today.
Your partner in making success happen, Kari I. Mattila, emotional intelligence advisor