One of the most difficult things in life is accepting things we cannot change. The second most difficult thing is seeing, what are those things. Successful people have the ability to accept. Accepting in order to learn. You have seen people, who do mistakes, hit the wall, over and over again. And that keeps them from success. They get stuck in emotions like fear, anger, shame, guilt etc. Those emotions either limit our ability to see option (like fear does) or stop us from taking actions (like shame does). How does one get to the point of accepting? It all starts with asking oneself one question? What is the lesson for my own behavior for the future?
The fastest way to success is through leading oneself. If you choose to change others, you will spend your life doing it, and yet you don’t get there. When you choose to upgrade yourself, then you can take micro steps every day. Just think, if you can learn a little thing, which helps you to improve 0,1% every day, you are over 36,5 % more effective just after a year. And it doesn’t stop there. To do that, you just need to understand, that everyone is learning. Learning is a process, the fast way is doing it through accepting, that none of us is perfect, that mistakes are the greatest source for learning. |
Don’t let your self misunderstanding accepting. There are a lot of people, who think that when they decide to ignore something, that is the same as accepting. Ignoring is just shutting the thing out, without learning from it. Learning effectively requires some time. When you make it a daily habit, the time needed is not a lot! The reward is huge!
By the way, have you ever thought, why some many of the worlds leading people keep a diary? Yes, you figured it out, it is not for the future generations, but for themselves to learn from the events they have encountered that day. You can do that too! Just a sentence a day about something and another sentence of what you learnt. That helps you to accept and benefit the tough moments.
If you have troubles, like a lot of people do, in accepting things, there is a way forward. One of the reasons why we don’t get forward, is that we are actually using a solution, which is not our strength. To learn your true strengths, get in touch with some emotional intelligence specialist. Take a scientifically strong (like EBW or Resilience) assessment and review the results with a professional. Another way forward is using a coach. Coaching process is widely used, and the higher level someone is, the more they use coaching approach.
It is not about how good you are today. You can already be great. But your future is not depending on how good you are today. It is depending on how willing you are to learn more. |
There are lots of professionals available for your help. I have helped over a thousand leaders to improve. If you want to take the fast track, contact me. It costs nothing to ask! |
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